Salon des Refusés

Dialectics for new computer science

Salon des Refusés ("exhibition of rejects") was an 1863 exhibition of artworks rejected from the official Paris Salon. It displayed works by later famous modernists such as Édouard Manet, whose paintings were rejected by the conservative jury of the Paris Salon. A similar space is needed to explore new ways of doing computer science.

Many interesting ideas about programming struggle to find space in the modern programming language research community, often because they are difficult to evaluate. To provide space for unorthodox thought provoking ideas, we take inspiration from literary criticism. Papers that spark an interesting debate among the program committee are presented together with an attributed critique that discusses the merits of the work.

Papers from previous editions of Salon des Refusés

The first and second editions were colocated with ‹Programming› 2017 and 2018. Read revised papers with critical commentary from previous years here.

Salon des Refusés 2019

The third edition will be colocated with ‹Programming› 2019 in Genoa, Italy. If you have an unorthodox program­ming language idea, please consider contributing! Submit your papers by January 7, 2019!